TSCC 1431 Declaration - Schedule “A”
Maytower Developments Ltd
In the City of Toronto, formerly the City of Scarborough and in the Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Block 2, according to a plan registered in the Land Titles Division of the Toronto Registry Office as Plan 66M-2288, designated as PARTS 10 and 12 on a plan of survey of record deposited in the said Land Registry Office on Plan 66R-18280, save and except PARTS 1 and 2 on Plan 66R-18280, save and except PART 1 on Plan 66R-19498 herein after referred to as the “Phase 2” lands.
- TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way or right in the nature of an easement over, along and upon part of the common elements of Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256, designated as PART II on said Plan 66R-1 8280, for pedestrian ingress and egress, as set out in instrument E256222.
- TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way or right in the nature of an easement in and through the driveways and ramps situate within the common elements on Levels 1, A, B, C and D of Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256 for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress, as set out in Instrument E256222.
- TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way or right in the nature of an easement in and through the common elements on Level 1 of Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256 for access of persons, materials and equipment necessary for the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the building situate or to be situate within the “Phase 2” lands, as set out in Instrument E256222.
- TOGETHER WITH a right of support in and through all structural members, columns, load bearing walls, roof and floor slabs, footings, foundations and soil situate within the common elements of Levels 1, A, B, C and D of Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256, as set out in Instrument E256222.
- TOGETHER WITH a temporary right-of-way or right in the nature of an easement in and through the common elements, exterior to the building of Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256 for the passage of an overhead crane swing, which said right-of-way or right in the nature of an easement shall become terminable upon the completion of construction of the building to be situate within the “Phase 2” lands, as set out in Instrument E256222.
TOGETHER WITH an easement over Block 13 on said Registered Plan 66M-2288, until said Block is dedicated as a public highway, as set out in Instrument C927923.
SUBJECT TO a right-of-support in and through all structural members, columns, load bearing walls, floor and roof slabs, situate within part of Block 2 on said Registered Plan 66M-2288, designated as PART 12 on said Plan 66R-18280, which is necessary for support of the Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Plan No. 1256 lands, as set out in Instrument E256222.
SUBJECT TO an easement in favour of Rogers Cable Inc. over the “Phase 2” lands, as set out in Instrument E426968.
All of P.I.N. 06000-0428 (LT).
In my opinion, based on the parcel register and the plans and documents recorded in them, the legal description is correct, the easements and rights-of-ways described exist in law and the declarant is the registered owner of the Property and appurtenant easements and right-of-ways.
Messrs. Miller, Thomson, solicitors and duly authorized agents for:
May Tower Developments Ltd.
Date: February 12, 2002
Hard copy signed by: J.A. Kilgour