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Welcome New Residents

We welcome you to the May Tower community.

The two condominium towers (Maytower I and II) form a neighborhood of closely associated yet privately owned apartments. The owners living in a condominium building are dependent on one another for the quiet enjoyment of their homes, and for the smooth and harmonious functioning of the community.

With this website we are trying to present the most relevant information about the community that you are going to be part of and hope to invite you to jointly create and preserve a high standard of day-to-day living in May Tower.

The website is brought to you by the board of directors of May Tower II and contains links to documents such as the Condominium Act, the Declaration, the By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations.

The intent and purpose of the Condominium Act prevails should there be any conflict arising from the interpretation of the rules, by-laws and guidelines.

We welcome suggestions for improvement in May Tower II. There is a suggestion box in the mail room where envelopes can be dropped off. The Board of Directors will address the suggestions and determine the best course of action.

Maytower 2 Lobby

Board of Directors
T.S.C.C. #1431

NOTE: May Tower I and May Tower II run as two separate condominium corporations with two separate boards but share common facilities

May Tower II mailing address is:

11 Lee Centre Drive, Suite # _______
Scarborough, Ontario
M1H 3J5