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Fire Safety Information

Emergency Procedures

For ambulance, call 911 directly; and then call Concierge to secure an elevator.

When calling outside emergency services, use the appropriate address:

Address of the building:

11 Lee Centre Drive, Scarborough

Closest Intersection:

Highway 401/McCowan

This section outlines procedures and responsibilities for Residents and building personnel in a “fire emergency”.

The safe and orderly evacuation of all personnel in the building is of paramount importance. The following procedures are intended to achieve this goal in the event of a crisis, not only from fire but from any other physical emergency.

The complete co-operation of each person is mandatory if the plan is to be successful.

High-rise apartments are generally considered to be safer from the spread of fire than the average single family dwelling. The building has been constructed of fire resistive materials. Suites are separated by solid masonry walls and floors inhibiting the spread of fire from one suite to another.

Fire Safety is of utmost importance. For your own protection, please take a few minutes to read the following procedures.

You are reminded not to do or permit anything to be done in the unit, or bring or keep anything therein which will in any way create a risk of fire. For safety reasons, only artificial, non-combustible Christmas trees are permitted.

Avoid unsafe cooking practice such as deep fat frying, using too much heat, leaving stoves unattended and wearing loosely hanging sleeves. Do not use unsafe electrical appliances, frayed extension cords, over-loaded outlets or lamp wire for permanent wiring. Please avoid careless smoking and always use ashtrays for butts and ashes. Never smoke in bed. Do not use fuses in your stove of higher amperage than specified.

Handicapped persons who require assistance if evacuation becomes necessary should advise the Management Office in order to keep a current list available.

Read And Remember – Your Safety May Depend Upon It

The policy of the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office and the approach widely accepted by the fire departments is that the best place to be in a fire is outside the building. However, the Coroner's Jury investigation recommends you should remain in your suite.

The issue of whether to stay or go is an officially unresolved matter.

When you hear a fire alarm, you must make up you mind right away whether to leave the suite or stay. Leaving in 20 minutes or so may be too late because smoke, which contains poisonous gases may have filled the corridor or the stairwell.

To assist you in understanding what to do in the event of fire, and/or the sounding of the fire alarm, we recommend the following:

If you discover a fire

  • Leave the fire area, take your keys.
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • Activate the fire alarm, use pull stations in the corridor.
  • Telephone 911, ask for Fire Department. Never assume that this has been done. Know and give correct address and location of fire in the building.
  • Use exit stairwells to leave the building immediately.

Do not us elevators

  • Do not return until it is declared safe to do so by a fire official

If you are in a suite and fire alarm is heard

  • Before opening door, feel door and handle for heat. If not hot, brace yourself against door and open slightly. If you feel air pressure or hot draft, close door quickly.
  • If you find no fire or smoke in corridor, take suite keys, close door behind you and leave by nearest exit stairwell.
  • If you encounter smoke in corridor or stairwell, consider taking corridor to other side of building where stairwell may be clear, or return to your suite.

If you cannot leave your suite because of fire or heavy smoke, remain in your suite and:

  • Close the door.
  • Unlock door for possible entry of fire fighters.
  • Activate fire alarm pull station
  • Dial 911 and ask for Scarborough Fire Department. Tell them where you are, then signal to Fire Fighters by waving a sheet.
  • Seal all cracks where smoke can get in by using wet towels or sheets.
  • Crouch low to the floor if smoke enters the room.
  • Move to the balcony or most protected room and partially open the window for air. Close the window if smoke comes in.
  • Wait to be rescued. Remain calm. Do not panic or jump.
  • Listen for instruction of information that may be given by authorized personnel or over loudspeaker.

Fire extinguisher control and confinement

In the event of a small fire cannot be extinguished with the use of a portable fire extinguisher or the smoke presents a hazard to the operator, then the door to the area should be closed to confine and contain the fire. Leave the fire area, ensure the Fire Department has been notified and wait for the Fire Department.

Fire hose cabinets and extinguishers

Fire hose cabinets are strategically located, equipped with 100 ft. of hose and a nozzle. Each cabinet is also equipped with a fire extinguisher. Additional fire extinguishers may be found in mechanical areas.

Stand-by power – emergency generator

The building is provided with emergency stand-by power in the event of electrical power loss. A diesel generator is designed to operate one elevator, emergency lighting, fire alarm and detection systems, sprinkler and fire pumps, stair and elevator pressurization systems.


All elevators will be brought to the ground floor lobby level automatically, or by the security guard/Superintendent using the key switch.

Fire hazard

In order to avoid hazards in the building, occupants are advised to:

  • Not to store propane, gasoline or any other combustible material in your locker.
  • Not to put burning materials, such as cigarettes and ashes into garbage chutes
  • Not dispose of flammable liquids or aerosol cans in these chutes
  • Never force cartons, coat hangers, bundles of paper into chute because it may become blocked.
  • Avoid unsafe electrical appliances, frayed extension cords, over-loaded outlets or lamp wire for permanent wiring.
  • Avoid careless smoking, use ashtrays, and never smoke in bed.
  • Not leave articles, such as shoes, rubbers, mats, etc., in the building halls.
  • Disposal of hot items in the garbage may result in fire. Please ensure when depositing items in your garbage pail that they are properly cooled.

In general, occupants are advised to:

  • Know where the alarm pull stations and exits are located.
  • Call 911, ask for the Fire Department immediately whenever you need assistance
  • Know the correct building address and suite number.

Evacuation Procedures For Handicapped Persons

Persons who require assistance by the Fire Department if evacuation becomes necessary should advise the building Management Office in order to keep a current list available. The following information is to be recorded in a permanent register, Name, suite telephone number and type of disability.