Recycling Program for May Tower II
(Some things have changed ever since this letter was written;
the recyclable materials can be together)
Dear Residents,
I am pleased to announce the launch of a recycling program for May Tower II on 11 Lee Centre Drive.
We have developed the recycling program in co-operation with the City of Toronto, Scarborough Office, Works & Emergency Services Department. The recycling material is sold by the City to private contractors and the finds generated by the program help keep taxes down. However, if loads are highly contaminated, they are rejected and end up in landfill and the City loses potential revenue. Therefore, it is important that we put only the proper materials in the recycling bins.
Please gather up your recycling material as listed on the attached literature and carry them to the recycling bins located on the ground floor Recycle Room. One bin is for paper items only. The other bin is for containers only. It is very important these two materials are kept separate.
The paper bin accepts all household paper, including soft and hard cover books, newspaper, magazines, all junk mail, writing paper, envelopes and boxboard (detergent, cereal boxes, cartons). If you use plastic bags to carry your paper items to the recycling bins, please put the bags in the garbage or place them in the bins untied.
The other bin accepts metal cans, (including empty aerosol cans and empty paint cans with the lids removed), drink boxes, milk and juice cartons, glass bottles, jars and plastic bottles and jugs with small pourable openings that display the recycling symbols #1 or #2 on the bottom. These plastic containers are the ones that are used for beverages (soft drinks, water, juice, etc.) and detergents (bleach, shampoo, liquid soap, etc.).
Plastic tubs such as those used for margarine, yogurt or ice cream cannot be recycled at this time. Please do not place plastic bags into the bin for containers as this contaminates the load.
Flatten corrugated cardboard and tie into 2' x 2' x 1' bundles and place them next to the paper recycling bin. To keep the pile manageable, we would appreciate it if you could bring your corrugated cardboard bundles down to the recycling bin the day before collection.
We thank you in advance for your assistance in making the recycling program at May Tower II a success.
Yours truly,
For and on behalf of May Tower II
Liliana Soengas,
Property Manager