About Maytower.ca
Information for residents and condo unit owners
This website is being brought to you by the board of directors of May Tower II in an effort to keep the unit owners and residents of the building informed about the affairs of the condominium corporation by providing an alternative form of communication. The design and development of the site have been done by a volunteer at no cost to the corporation. The maintenance and updates are also free of charge. We hope this site will help understand the process of running the condo corporation and we will strive to be a source of information about all things related to our local community.
For those who are planning to rent or buy a unit at May Tower II the website features the most important things you need to know about this condominium. We have posted the condo rules, the declaration, the bylaws and much more.
As an owner who has been living in May Tower II since it was built in 2001, I have noticed that we tend to become complacent and want to relegate all the responsibilities to other people (the board and management) forgetting that we all need to do our part to ensure enjoyable standards and efficient maintenance of our building.
Personally, I find that the official packages residents get yearly before the AGM rarely get through to the residents because there is too much information all at once. I will attempt to simplify things and localize all of the information in this website hoping to get the attention of more residents to the problems concerning our condominium living.
Any contribution in the form of suggestions, corrections, better photos for this site, etc. is welcome.
Thank you
Ernesto Ramirez
(webmaster and former member of the board of directors)
NOTE: You can reach the board of directors by e-mail. If you have any concerns about the building do not hesitate to contact the board.