Actual Expenses for May Tower II (TSCC 1431)
Distribution of expenses for
Distribution of expenses for
Distribution of expenses for
Distribution of expenses for
Energy Saving Tips: Notice to the residents of May Tower II
Your attention towards energy saving in daily life is much appreciated. There are several things that all residents can do to help keep our building in good financial health and the maintenance fee increase under control.
The following are energy conservation tips for your general reference and compliance:
- Heating
- During the heating season, keep the draperies and shades on your windows open during the day to allow the sunlight to enter and heat your home. Keep them closed at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.
- Keep all exterior doors tightly shut and try to avoid frequent in-and-out traffic.
- Hot Water Heating
- A quick shower is cheaper than a bath. A five-minute shower, with an efficient showerhead, will use about 50% less hot water than one bath.
- Wash laundry in cold water whenever possible. Always use cold water to rinse clothes. You can save up to 4% in hot water energy costs.
- Appliances
- Range/Over: Use the self-cleaning cycle only for major cleaning jobs. Start self-cleaning right after cooking, while the oven is still hot.
- Freezer/Refrigerator: Let hot food cool down before putting it in the freezer.
- Dishwasher: Don't use the “rinse hold” setting. It uses more hot water.
- Washer: Wash laundry in cold water whenever possible, saving 4% costs.
- Dryer: Clean the filter before every load, saving 30% costs.
- Lighting
- Always turn off the lights when leaving a room.
- Keep fixtures and bulbs clean, as dirt can absorb as much as 50% of the light energy.
- Home Electronics
- Shut down computers or other electronics when not in use.
In short, helping the Corporation is helping yourselves and saving energy means saving money.
Should you be interested on more tips on energy saving, you may go to for more details (in various languages).
Read more “Energy Efficiency Tips” from Toronto Hydro.
Thank you for your attention and co-operation in this matter.
May Tower II
Shiu Pong Management Limited
More Energy Saving Tips
- Use bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans to quickly remove excess moisture.
- Ceiling fans keep air moving, making you feel cooler.
- Save energy by setting your fan at various speeds – the one to best meet your needs.
- Fluorescent tubes last 16 times longer than incandescent light bulbs and use only 30% of the energy.
- Using timers for indoor and outdoor lights helps you to use electricity only when you need it.
- Use a toaster oven or microwave oven whenever possible. Both use less energy than a conventional oven.
- Save energy and water by replacing washers on dripping taps. One drop a second wastes up to 96 litres a month.
- A clean air filter improves the efficiency of your fan coil unit.
- Redirect air that is being blocked by furniture for maximum efficiency.
- Dimmer switches reduce energy consumption and provide attractive lighting.
- Lower your thermostat to 20°C (68°F). For every degree above this setting your heating costs increase 5%. Set it to “AUTO” rather than “ON” position will save energy.
- Motion sensor security lighting provides light only when you need it.
- By installing aerators on taps you'll save water and energy.
- Turn off the lights when you leave your home, recreational rooms and locker room
- Clean and dry clothes in a full load.
- Take shower instead of tub-bath to save heating cost on the excess water.