Qualifications To Be A Director
Under the Condominium Act, R.S.O. 1998, C19, the following specifications are required in order to be eligible for the election or appointment as a Director of a Condominium Corporation.
Qualifications - Section 29 (1)
No person shall be a Director if
- the person is under eighteen years of age;
- the person is an undischarged bankrupt; or
- the person is a mentally incompetent person.
Disqualifications - Section 2
A person immediately ceases to be a director if,
- the person becomes an undischarged bankrupt or a mentally incompetent person; or
- a certificate of lien has been registered under subsection 85 (a) against a unit owned by the person and the person does not obtain a discharge of the lien under subsection 85 (7) within 90 days of the registration of the lien.