Bylaw No.2 - Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation 1431
Shared Facilities Agreement
The text below describes by-law #2 in general terms; for a complete draft of this by-law CLICK HERE
The shared facilities and the acceptable standards are strictly defined in this by-law. The terms and conditions of how each building (May Tower I and May Tower II) is going to collaborate with the other one with respect to the use of the shared facilities are also spelled out in this by-law.
So it comes down to:
- What are the shared facilities?
- How are we going to share the cost of repairs, upgrades, maintenance, etc?
- What is the expected level of service (acceptable standard)?
- Who makes the decisions regarding the shared facilities?
What are the "Shared Facilities"?
The shared facilities consist of the recreational facilities and some other not so obvious parts of the May Tower complex.
- The billiard room (second level of May Tower I)
- The exercise room (second level of May Tower I)
- The children's playroom (second level of May Tower I)
- The table tennis facility (second level of May Tower II)
- The indoor swimming pool and an adjacent whirlpool area (ground level of May Tower I)
- The separate men's and ladies' steam rooms and showers (ground level of May Tower I)
- The library/lounge (second level of May Tower II)
- The guest suites (second level of May Tower II)
- The gymnasium (ground level of May Tower II)
- The party rooms with kitchen facilities (one in each building)
- The conference/boardroom (second level of May Tower I)
- The service unit being Unit 1, Level 1, (May Tower II) which is intended to be used as a garbage storage and pick up area
- The common interior roadway - road and driveways within the buildings, turning circle, street lighting and walkways between buildings.
- The underground garage
Who Controls what?
Each building allows the residents of the other one to use the facilities according to the rules as long as the residents' corporation contributes to the cost and expense of operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and inspection of the facility in question.
For example residents of May Tower I can enjoy the use of the gym located in May Tower II as long as MTCC 1256 keeps their part of the deal and contributes its proportionate share to running the gym. Similarly, residents of May Tower II can go for a swim in the pool (located in MTI) as long as TSCC 1431 (MTII) keeps its part of the deal and pays MTI its fair share.
Proportionate Share
- MTCC No. 1256 (May Tower I) - 49%
- TSCC No. 1431 (May Tower II) - 51%
How is this calculated?
Simply by the number of total units.
- May Tower I - 261 units
- May Tower II - 271 units
Thus of the total of 532 units (100%) …
49% are located in May Tower I and 51% in May Tower II
How are the decisions with regards to the "shared facilities" made?
There is a committee consisting of 2 directors from each board (May Tower I and May Tower II) whose members meet regularly to discuss the status of the shared facilities and plan the improvement, maintenance, repairs, etc that are necessary.