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2009 Inspection Report Window Washing Safety System

Inspection Date: 7/23/2009

Client: Shiu Pang Management Limited - 11 Lee Centre Drive, Scarborough, ON M1H 3J5

Attention: Johnny Chung

Project Ref.: 11 Lee Centre Drive

Inspection No.: 1102-07-2009-07296

Inspector's Name: Mansoor Jabbar

A visual inspection of the equipment was performed. The inspection included a review of the exposed, visible, and accessible components of the system for signs of distress.

The inspection was also based on a review of the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations for window cleaning (Ont. Reg. #859/90 as amended by 523/92).

This inspection report was prepared by Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited and reflects the inspector's judgment based upon information available at the time the report was prepared.


Quantity Model # Description
16 T90-2 Cast-in-Place Roof Anchors
48 191-2 Cast-in-Place Wall Anchors
44 T40-1 Cast-in-Place Davit Bases
4 Ankor Davit Arms Assemblies


  • All accessible anchoring points appear to be snug and secure. No tampering or deterioration of the equipment was noted.
  • Where visible, retaining bolts had a minimum of two (2) threads exposed which have been properly deformed past the nut.
  • When any parapet wall is less than 36" in height, workers must tie-off prior to approaching any anchor located within 6'-6" (2 meters) from the unprotected roof edge. Please note that anchors located around all four corner of main roof level were installed in highly restricted areas. All workers must follow the instruction shown on posted drawings.
  • At the time of inspection, anchors/bases located on lower roof (PH 1 level) were not accessible and they were inspected visually from the main roof level.
  • At the time of inspection, (2) davit arms assemblies were located on the main roof and other (2) arms assemblies were located on lower roof level (PH 1). Capacity plates were placed on davit arm assemblies.
  • All workers must check anchors/arm assemblies prior to use and protect their lines from chaffing at all times.


  • This anchor system has been designed and installed by Ankor Eng Sys Inc for window cleaning using a boatswain chair or a suspended stage for exterior building maintenance providing four (4) anchors are in line with the point of suspension.
    Important Note: Only one (1) safety line is to be attached to any one anchor at any given time.
  • Responsibility for safety anchor fabrication, safety system layout, anchor installation, and building structure is the responsibility of the original manufacturer or installer. Pro-Bel's inspection is based on the equipment only and is considered a deficiency inspection. The original designer/installer remains responsible for system compliance.


  • A copy of the engineered drawing was posted at the entrance to the roof as per Ministry of Labour requirements. The drawing was produced by Ankor Eng Sys Inc, drawing # 1004-01-W1 and approved by J. Budziak, stamped/signed and dated on 8/1/2008.
  • Window cleaners must read and understand shop drawing including restrictive notes as shown on the drawings.


  • All accessible equipment appears to be functional, and meets the intent shown on the original shop drawings.
  • It is recommended that window cleaning contractor should provide a work plan for this site that will comply with Ministry of Labour Regulations and Guidelines and applicable codes.


  • This anchor system is considered safe to use providing that the anchor system is inspected within one year of the date of this inspection. Please ensure this report is added to your Master Inspection Log Book.
  • This inspection is limited to only visible and accessible components. This visual inspection does not cover any hidden defects, modifications or alterations that could affect the performance of the equipment.
  • This safety anchor system must be inspected at least once a year, (whether being used or not).
  • Keep this and subsequent annual reports on site along with a record of any modifications or repairs made to the system.
  • Any unauthorized modification or changes, or damage to the equipment is the responsibility of the property manager or exterior maintenance contractor. Pro-Bel accepts no responsibility for damages if any, suffered as a result of unauthorized alterations however caused to the equipment.
  • In accordance with the Ontario Window Cleaning Regulation, before window cleaning using suspended equipment begins, the window cleaner must notify a Ministry of Labour inspector of the job location and other details including start date. As a result of increased enforcement, it is increasingly likely that a Ministry of Labour Inspector will visit the building and strictly enforce the requirements of the Window Cleaning Regulation guidelines. In the event that a Ministry of Labour inspector issues an order to comply (stop work order), please contact our office for assistance in complying with the order so that window-cleaning operations may proceed as soon as possible.