Maintaining a Clean Environment
Notice To The Residents Of May Tower II
The following misconducts by residents have been noted in the common areas of the condominium (hallways, lobby, elevators, staircases, garbage and recycle rooms, locker and parking areas.)
- Not picking up after pets;
- Spilling drinks, littering, vandalizing;
- Dumping old furniture and appliances outside the allowed days;
- Improper use of garbage chutes; (Small bagged content only before 10:00 pm)
- Improper use of recycle bins; (Read the recycling handbook)
- Oil leaking from vehicles;
- Storing personal items in parking spaces (these are for cars only)
As a result, the management has to arrange extra manpower to do take care of these nuisances. This not only will add to the cost of the maintenance in the long run but is not fair to the other residents who obey the rules.
Therefore the Management will charge back any unit responsible for the above listed misconducts. Residents are encouraged to report to the management office any such conduct. Remember, your visitors are your responsibility.
Co-operation from residents is important to keep the condominium clean and to promote a better living environment, which will in turn preserve or increase the market value of the units. Thank you!
May Tower II
Shiu Pong Management Limited